Thursday, May 23, 2013

Documentary Reflection

In 2011, “The Arab Spring” arose. The Arab countries like Tunisia, Egypt, and others used to be censored. But due to facebook and internet access, things have started to unravel. It started in Tunisia with Sid Bouzid, a food seller. Some corrupt government officials wanted him to pay money for no reason, he was taken to town hall but nothing was done. He ended up committing suicide by setting himself on fire. Some people took videos of his suicide and word spread. People soon gathered to protest against the corrupt government.
It started off as a peaceful demonstration but soon turned into a confrontation. Policemen started to arrest those with cell phones, for the videos were being posted on facebook. And sent across the Arab countries and the globe. Everywhere, on facebook and twitter, there were videos being posted of the corruption in Tunisia. Soon it spread to Egypt and then to Libya and later to the island country of Bahrain. Revolutions were spreading like wildfire, people were taking a stand against the corruption. A group of activists lead the protests throughout the different countries. Police forces tried to stop the activists and others from protesting. People were shot and killed and even still, more videos were being posted about the corruption. People in Tunisia wanted their leader out, they hated him. He eventually stepped down and people were rejoicing. But in Libya a new leader came, and people revolted against him just like in Tunisia. This has subsided, people are still going against the government in order to win democracy for their countries.
One theory of collective behavior is seen during this Arab Spring. The theory that I think is shown is the resource-mobilization theory which states that even the most ill-treated group with the most just cause will be able to bring about change without resources. If the Arabs had no internet access or phones with the technology to video what was going on, it wouldn't have succeeded. The Arabs needed the internet and technology in order to carry out their plan of revolution. One theory of social change is shown aw well. I think that the theory that is shown is the conflict theory of social change which states that change results from conflicts between groups with opposing interests. The Arabs wouldn't have revolted if it wasn't for the conflict between the people and the government. Without that difference in beliefs, the revolution wouldn't have happened and change wouldn't have been made.
So as we can see, collective behavior and social change occur all the time. It is a repeating process. So many times people revolt because of conflict, sometimes for the better sometimes not. People want change, even though change is sometimes hard, we secretly crave it. Social change occurs constantly, that is why society, in most cases, gets better. 

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