Sunday, April 28, 2013

Chapter 15: Science and Mass Media

Science and mass media are two major things that influence society today. Science keeps getting better and smarter. And because science gets better so does the mass media. The mass media grows based off of the growth of scientific discovery.
Birth of science in Europe started in 300BC in Greece. Started with math, physics, astronomy, and biology/medicine. After the fall of Rome the Catholic Church and the economy silenced the scientific search. The Re-birth started with the renaissance. It was the start of the scientific method. The re-birth gained power after the 1800s with the industrialization. Modern science is composed of multiple branches and specialties. Norms are expected to be followed. It has a scientific community to ensure norms were followed during experiment before being accepted Scientific research norms are the judgments based on creating equality. Organized skepticism is when all scientist discoveries can be questioned and re-test. Communalism is the discovery belongs to the scientist society and will be shared in the scientist society. Disinterestedness is when a scientist must look for the truth not individual gain. Counter norms, if the research has a controversial or not well defined the research will be judged by mental state Realities of research include fraud, when researchers fake or tamper their results. Competition is the desire to obtain fame and money causes scientists to block their information that way no one can copy their experiment. This causes rushed research. Matthew effect is when the credit of the experiment goes to the most famous member instead of the group. Conflictive views include different theories on reality are used in some experiments that alter the method and ideas.
Mass media is the method to communicate that reaches multiple individuals. Writing and paper was used as mass media by the Sumerians with writing, Egyptians with papyrus. The printing press in Europe was invented in 1400AD. The industrial age multiplied the speed of the printing press and soon after the news paper, radios, and movies. Computer and information society, the invention of the internet caused the creation of digital society that exchanges information and social economic activities. Mass media in USA includes the print media which are news papers books and magazines Audio includes sound records, and radio. Visual media like movies, television, CD’s, and videocassettes. Online media is anything that is found online. Convergence is when areas with “media convergence” that is where to areas of media collide and combine. Functionalist perspective is that society runs smoother because individuals know what is happening. Conflict perspective is that the mass media distracts individuals with merchandise reducing the possibility that individuals notice and do something about the inequality. Knowledge-gap is caused by the economic difference this is know known as digital divide. Children have access to violence now. They also have less contact with others. And there is a decrease in social capital. The power of the media includes brain washing, and it can create spiral of silence, were a group silences those with different opinions. Gatekeepers that select only a part of the information to be released.
As we can see both science and mass media have changed over the past centuries. Mass media is very important in developed countries, as well as in some developing countries. Science keeps discovering knew things and improving. And because of this the media can grow too.

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